The Council of Europe, headquartered in Strasbourg, France, has been working since 1949 to build a Europe united on the basis of freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law. With 47 member countries, it is the European organisation with the widest geographical representation. Today, the democratisation of the eastern European countries adds a whole new area of interest.
Manhattan Publishing Co. is the U.S. sales agent for Council of Europe publications. Since 1952, MPC has been providing libraries with the Council's publications which present a European view in areas of law, human rights, health, environment and education.
The most popular way of receiving publications is through our blanket order and model law order program. This allows a complete and easy way to accumulate a full range of documents and books. Standing orders are also accepted for individual series or categories.
Please note that English and French are the official languages of the Council of Europe and all publications are available in these languages.
2012 Council of Europe Catalogue
Law - Human Rights - Health - Education - Committee of Ministers
Congress of Local and Region Authorities in Europe - European Issues
Parliamentary Assembly - Environment - Society - Population
Local and Regional Democracy - Culture and Communication
European Audiovisual Observatory - Sport - Youth - Terminology
European judicial systems - Edition 2012 (2010 data). Efficiency and quality of justice
European electoral heritage – 10 years of the Code of Good Practice in electoral matters (Science and technique of democracy No. 50) (2013)
Freedom of Expression - Essays in honour of Nicolas Bratza, President of the European Court of Human Rights (2012)
Bringing a case to the European Court of Human Rights - A practical guide on admissibility criteria (2012)
Reimagining democratic societies: a new era of personal and social responsibility (Council of Europe higher education series No. 18) (2013)
Counter-terrorism and human rights in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights (2012)
Developments in mediation, current challenges and the role of ROMED (2013)
European Committee of Social Rights - European Social Charter (revised) Conclusions 2011 - Volume 3 (2013)
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About the Council of Europe
History - Current Projects - Parliamentary Proceedings