European Audiovisual Observatory: Yearbook 2012 - Television, cinema, video
and on-demand audiovisual services in Europe (2 volumes, 18th edition)

European Committee of Social Rights - European Social Charter (revised)
Conclusions 2011 - Volume 1 (2013)

Share social responsibility: putting theory into practice (Trends in social
cohesion n°24) (2013)

Youth policy in Belgium (2013)

FREPA - A Framework of Reference for Pluralistic Approaches to Languages and
Cultures: Competences and resources (2013)

Developments in mediation, current challenges and the role of ROMED (2013)

The Parliamentary Assembly - Practice and Procedure (11th edition, 2012)

Biodiversity and climate change: Reports and guidance developed under the
Bern Convention - Volume II (Nature and Environment N°160) (2012)